Surviving Pre-Trip Anxiety When Travelling Solo

New York City

Solo travel can be extremely rewarding, as you get to explore new places, experience different cultures and push personal boundaries. However, travelling alone can also bring some level of anxiety. Often times before a trip, a few doubts will start to creep in and you will begin to second guess yourself.

While it’s totally understandable to feel apprehensive before embarking on a new adventure, it’s also important to embrace this feeling and recognise that stepping out of your comfort zone often leads to the most memorable experiences.

If you take sensible precautions and are prepared for your trip, then this will help alleviate some anxiety, and allow you to fully enjoy your travels. Here are my tips and tricks on how to overcome the fear of travelling alone.

Practicing self-care before your trip is vital. Even if you feel confident, it’s good to protect your body and mind against any unwanted thoughts or anxiety. My biggest tip would be to exercise; introduce 30 minutes of movement in to your daily routine and you will feel a lot better. I am a big fan of pilates, HIIT classes or a long walk with some fresh air. Yoga or meditation are also good options, to focus on your breath work and ensure your body is calm.

Before your trip, why not express your feelings in an indirect way. Do whatever feels good for you; whether it’s listening to some music, writing, painting or reading.

The goal here is to stay healthy, so ensure you eat well, get plenty of sleep, and limit your alcohol intake.

If you’re new to solo travel, don’t start by booking a three-week long trip to the other side of the world. Start small, and build from there. Book a weekend trip in your country or a country nearby, so that you can always come home if you need to. When you’re ready, you can look into booking those longer trips.

In my opinion, it’s vital that you are used to doing activities alone before travelling solo as this helps protect you against feeling lonely or homesick, and it builds your confidence. I often go for lunch by myself, or to the cinema. I am quite comfortable in my own company, so this helps when I go on trips alone.

One can never be too prepared when travelling solo, so ensure you do your research into the destination you are travelling to. Planning your trip means you are in control, so in return you will feel more confident.

Once you arrive at your destination, organise how you will get to your accommodation and how long this journey will take. Research the public transport options (if necessary), and make sure you are aware of payment options. Once you check in to your accommodation, let friends or family know you have arrived safely.

Plan what you will do when you get there, if and where you will eat, and what you will do the next day. You may not always stick to your plans, but at least you have a rough idea.

Rovaniemi, Finland

A lot of solo travel anxiety revolves around personal safety, so when I’m travelling I always opt for the safest options even if it’s more expensive. If I arrive at my destination late at night, I try book a taxi instead of using public transport. When booking accommodation, I usually spend a bit more to ensure I feel safe, and I’m comfortable. If you are staying in a hostel but not sure you can handle sharing with a group of people, opt for booking a private room.

The same advice stands if you’re nervous before your trip. When planning a day trip somewhere, go with the most straight-forward option. Book a direct tour with a guide even if it costs more; this will ensure you are safe, relaxed and you might meet new friends.

Finally, make sure to share your itinerary with friends and family so your whereabouts are always known.

If your trip is approaching and you’re nervous at the thought of it, try figure out what’s bothering you. Once you identify what’s causing your anxiety, then you can try solve it. Write down your anxiety triggers and your coping mechanisms, and remember these for the next time you book a trip. Most of the time you will be worried about the unknown, and that is completely normal. This is why planning your trip and being prepared is vital.

It’s important to point out that this is your trip. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want without worrying about others. Whether you want to sit in a cafe for the day and take it slow, or you want to be adventurous and travel to another city, the choice is entirely yours.

If you’re not enjoying your trip, remember that you’re not obliged to stay. Don’t push yourself to do something you really don’t want to do. During my travels to Brussels in 2022, I didn’t feel safe in the city, so I made a spontaneous decision to take a day trip to Bruges. It turned out to be a fantastic decision and I realised that sometimes following your gut can lead to unforgettable experiences.

At some point during your travels you might consider cancelling a trip. Sometimes you’re just not up to it, and that is okay. You might be going through a tough time in your personal life that requires spending time at home to get back on track, you might have impulsively booked the trip under pressure and now find yourself feeling unprepared or you might find the trip is no longer feasible due to financial constraints.

Whatever the reason, it’s crucial to trust your gut. If you strongly feel that it’s not the right time for you to go, then don’t. Remember to always prioritise your well-being and make decisions that align with your current circumstances.

However, most of the time you want to cancel the trip due to fear, which I would strongly advise you to push through, as the majority of the time you will be delighted you went. Sometimes you don’t realise this until you arrive at your destination and are settled; this is certainly the case for me. Travelling solo, especially as a woman, is a brave thing to do so don’t let anyone discourage you or project their fears on to you.

Overcoming fear and anxiety while travelling solo leads to a lifetime of valuable memories and personal growth. Whether it’s starting small, planning meticulously, prioritising safety or practicing self-care, each step you take contributes to a fulfilling journey. Safe travels!

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